Friday, December 30, 2011

Hacking School Lesson 4 - Trojans

Lesson 4 of Hacking School is out! This week we discuss the topic of Trojans. The content is organized in a slideshow. That's because i thought it would be more interesting and easy to read and understand the content presented in the course.

7 practical modules of hacking techniques, described step-by-step. This is the core of your training. You will learn all the attack and defense techniques.

This ethical hacking training course is a hands-on journey into the hacking mindset, examining and practically applying the tools and techniques that hackers use to launch "infrastructure" attacks.


Any one need software mentioned in the lesson just comment it below or message me i will send them as these softwares are illegal to upload on internet.So any of you who need them just comment below or email me.

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