Friday, December 30, 2011

Awesome Collection of Underground Illegal E-Books

14 Illegal/Banned Books Collection

Here i want to show you an awesome collection of underground illegal eBooks. I started reading these books few days ago and for now they really keep me interest. Here you can find anything from making gun silencers to lock picking, from growing and making drugs to passing drug tests, from killing people to even making yourself disappear forever. I am shure this collection will have your interest from beginning to end.

This Collection includes 14 complete books from infamous publishers such as Paladin Press, Loompanics Unlimited, Desert Publications and others.

Please use these books responsibly and don't try any of this stuff!! Just read them!

Collection of 14 BANNED and ILLEGAL eBooks


Defeating Electromagnetic Door Locks
Improvised Lock Picks


Beginners Guide To Growing Marijuana
Fooling the Bladder Cops- Complete Drug Testing Guide
How to Grow Psychedelic Mushrooms
Secrets of Methaphetamine Manufacture
The Beginners Guide to Hash Growing


21 Techniques of Silent Killing
Hidden Street Weapons
Jack the Rippa - Murder Inc
Silent but Deadly - Homemade Silencers


100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free
Anarchists Cookbook
Steal This Book

These books are provided for informational purposes only! Don't be an idiot and actually try any of this stuff and then be surprised to find yourself doing time inside prison.

Download it from here.

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