Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mumbai blasts: Govt. sees no cross-border link ‘as of now’


The government on Thursday did not rule out the possibility of the involvement of a suicide bomber in the Mumbai serial blasts and said a few Indian Mujahideen militants arrested some time ago were being interrogated.
The government also said “as of now” it has no ground to link Wednesday’s terror attack with any elements across the border.
“The NSG DG has informed that a body with circuit has been found from one of the sites. The body was found near the explosion site. We are not ruling out anything,” Union Home Secretary R.K. Singh told reporters in New Delhi.
Mr. Singh was replying to a question about the possibility of the involvement of a suicide bomber in Wednesday’s blasts as the body was found with a circuit near one of the blast sites. “The investigation is still on,” he said.
Hours later, Secretary (Internal Security) in the Home Ministry U.K. Bansal said there could be several reasons of finding circuit in the body of one of the victims.
“One of the possibilities is that the person concerned might have been standing near the bomb and as a result some parts of the bomb imbibed it (body). There is another possibility that it could be planted on his body. But as of now we are not in a position to tell anything,” he said.
Asked whether the body has been identified, he said since some of the bodies were found beyond recognition, Mumbai police was trying to identify them.
On the possibility of cross-border links with Wednesday’s blasts, Mr. Bansal said “As of now there is no ground to believe that there is any link of anyone from across the border”.
Asked who could be behind the blasts, Mr. Bansal said as of now the investigators were not in a position to tell with certainty which militant group was involved in it.
“As of now there is no lead about any particular group. That is why we are probing into all angles and all groups are under radar and everyone is considered as a suspect. A few Indian Mujahideen militants arrested some time ago are being interrogated,” he said.
He, however, said there was no blind investigation either saying forensic science evidences have come to Mumbai police and they were examining all these to find out the lead.
“We are also looking into those groups which carried out similar blasts in the past. We are confident that some lead would emerge soon,” he said.
On the possibility of the involvement of underworld in the terror act since such groups were reportedly active in the metropolis in the recent past, Mr. Bansal said “all angles are being probed“.
He also said there was no previous intelligence input about the blasts.

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