The resignation of Textiles Minister Dayanidhi Maran — after the CBI's submission in the Supreme Court that there was “prima facie material to suggest that there was an element of coercion” by the former Telecom Minister in Aircel selling its shares to a Malaysian telecom company — is the latest casualty in the infamous 2G spectrum allocation scam. The Opposition is fully justified in criticising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for allowing Mr. Maran to continue as Minister much after the allegations regarding his involvement in the scam surfaced. UPA 2 is having a torrid time. It needs to do something to regain credibility. For now though, all eyes are on the imminent Cabinet reshuffle.
Pradyut Hande, Mumbai
The prima facie material, which the CBI says suggests an element of coercion by Mr. Maran in the sale of Aircel shares, speaks volumes about his association with the Maxis group. His exit is another setback to the DMK. Had the UPA taken timely action, it would not have been at sixes and sevens.
Ramesh Raaj, Hyderabad
Although late, Mr. Maran's exit is welcome. I find something fundamentally wrong with the Prime Minister's deferred action. Had there been no pressure from the Supreme Court, the huge 2G scam would have been covered up. One wonders how Mr. Maran was given a Cabinet berth in UPA 2.
Sam Suresh Krishna, Chennai
With Mr. Maran's resignation, the scam-ridden UPA government has plunged into another muddle. One can only wonder why scams and scandals are unravelling under Dr. Singh's regime. Coalition compulsions have taken a heavy toll on the country's determination to fight corruption.
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