Friday, April 29, 2011

Indian Space Research Organisation preparing for three more PSLV launches

M. Chandradathan (second from right), Director, Sathish Dawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, releasing 'Constellation 2K'11' proceedings at Arunai Engineering College in Tiruvannamalai on Thursday. V. Kanagarajan, Chair Professor, KAV Pandalai memorial AR & DB Chair, MIT, Chennai, receives it. Photo: D. Gopalakrishnan
India excels in aero space engineering: Director, Sathish Dhawan Space Centre
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) braces itself for three more PSLV launches this year, M. Chandradathan, Director, Sathish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, said.
“PSLV C-17 will be launched in July and it will carry GSAT-12, a communication satellite. PSLV-C18 will be launched in September and it will carry a weather forecast satellite. PSLV-C19 with a payload of Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT) will be launched by this year end,” Mr. Chandradathan said.
Delivering the inaugural address at ‘Constellation 2K'11,' a national level technical symposium, organised by Department of Humanities & Sciences, Arunai Engineering College here on Thursday Mr. Chandradathan said that when other countries excel in various branches of engineering India excels in aero space engineering.
“Recently launched PSLV-C16 precisely injected its payloads into intended orbits without wasting even a bit of propellant,” he said.
Mr. Chandradathan asked students to be disciplined and cheerful. He said that humans are utilising not more than 10 per cent of the capacity of their brain. He also said in order to optimize minds ability one need to keep a pleasant, happy, and peaceful disposition and keep away worries.
“Even if worry occurs that should not be allowed to stay for long. Start loving your work. Once you start loving your work that will cease be a work,” he said.
V. Kanagarajan, Chair Professor, KAV Pandalai memorial AR & DB Chair, MIT, Chennai, in his special address said that India's economy has improved a lot in the last 50 years and India's present education system was superior than most of the countries in the world.
India was the largest producer of automobiles today, he added.
S. Gopinath, Head, Department of Humanities & Sciences welcomed the gathering and P. Jayakumar, principal, delivered the felicitation address.
Later speaking to reporters, Mr. Chandradathan said that building of GSLV-Mk III will be over by 2012 end and launch would be in the next year.
“GSLV-Mk III has three stages. The first stage, Solid propellant booster S-200 has been tested and qualified; Second and liquid propellant stage called L-110 has also been tested. Work is yet to be completed in third and important stage, the cryogenic stage,” he said.

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